Sunday, November 2, 2014

Visionone Holding Company: Small Business Solutions / Expanding Your Small Business Today

Holding Company, How a Holding Company Works? 

Visionone Holding Company, Inc
This is a  holding company established to invest in other companies, create new companies, buying companies and selling companies. We're the parent company of..


Understanding a Holding Company
Many of the most successful companies in the world are really holding companies.
The Basics – What Is a Holding Company?
A holding company is a company that doesn’t have any operations, activities, or other active business. Instead, it owns assets.

These assets can be shares of stock in other corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, private equity fund s, hedge funds, publicly traded stocks, bonds , real estate , song rights, brand names, patents, trademarks, copyrights, or virtually anything else that has value.
  1. A holding company is a company or firm that owns other companies' outstanding stock. The term usually refers to a company that does not produce goods or services itself; rather, its purpose is to own shares of other companies to form a corporate group . Holding companies allow the reduction of risk  for the owners and can allow the ownership and control of a number of different companies. 

    A holding company is a special type of business that doesn’t do anything itself.  Instead, it owns investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, gold, silver, real estate, art, patents, copyrights, licenses, private businesses, or virtually anything of value.  The term holding company comes from the fact that the business has one job: to “hold” their investments.
    Visionone Holding Company, Inc: What makes us a holding company is that we have no day-to-day role in any of the investments!
     Each one of our companies is run by its own management team.
    Holding Company; One benefit of forming a holding company is that the holding companyitself is protected from the losses. If one of their companies goes bankrupt, the holding company ...

     Many modern day corporations such as... few big name companies are really holding companies because they own a bevy of smaller businesses;  owning control of the stock of other private companies including : banks, insurance businesses, asset management companies, securities underwriters, and more.
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  16.  Personally, I like to think of holding companies as coming in two forms:
    Holding companies that serve as investment vehicles for investors
    1. Holding companies that serve as risk management tools for large corporations
    Although they have some similarities, they are different.  It is important you understand which you are thinking about and why both types are used.
    Holding companies and their subsidiaries can establish pyramids, whereby one subsidiary owns a controlling interest in another company, thus becoming its parent company. While three to five levels are common in corporate pyramid structures, as many as 60 levels have been known to exist in practice. In the case of public utility holding companies, regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission allow only two levels of holding companies in addition to the operating subsidiaries.
    A holding company is said to be a "pure" holding company if it exists solely for the purpose of owning stock in other companies and does not engage in business operations separate from its subsidiaries. If the parent company also engages in its own business operations, then it is said to be a "mixed" holding company or a holding-operating company. Holding companies whose subsidiaries engage in unrelated lines of business are called conglomerates.

    When you begin investing for the first time, you are going to encounter something known as a holding company. In fact, many of the most successful companies in the world are really holding companies. This basic introduction the holding company will explain what holding companies are, why you need to understand how they work, and some things to consider before investing in one.
    When forming a limited liability company , the three most popular options are to incorporate in your home state
    There are many advantages to establishing a holding company. From a financial point of view, it is usually possible to obtain control of another company with less investment than would be required in a merger or consolidation. A holding company only needs a controlling interest in the acquired company, not complete interest as in the case of a merger or consolidation. Consequently, it is possible to obtain control over large properties with less investment than would otherwise be required in a merger or consolidation.
    Another advantage is that shares of stock in the subsidiary company are held as assets on the books of the parent company and can be used as collateral for additional debt          financing. In addition, one company can acquire stock in another company without approval of its stockholders; mergers and consolidations typically require stockholder approval

    How a Hypothetical Holding Company Could Be Formed

    For investors, a holding company provides the ability to make investments in a wide range of assets, including taking minority stakes in businesses.
    Imagine you were part of a rich family that decides to invest together.  You think a holding company is your best vehicle so you decide to form one.  You incorporate a new business called Visionaire Business Center,  by filing the documents with the Secretary of State and paying a lawyer to draw up the operating agreement.
    There are 25 family members, each of whom writes a check for $ 100,000  to the new holding company’s bank account in exchange for 10% ownership.  Once everyone’s contribution is received, the holding company has the simplest balance sheet in the world

    I’m going to show you how the holding company could use that $10 million to control $500 million or more without a lot of risk.  This is an extreme over-simplification but the idea is to teach you how holding companies work so we can ignore the details for now.

    Holding Companies Allow for Structural Leverage Opportunities

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    First, say the family decides they want to build a $10 million apartment building in town, but they only want to invest $ 2 million of their own plus receive a management fee.  The new holding company is the perfect way to achieve this.
     They create a new company, Femkonsa  Apartments LLC, and contribute $ 2 million in cash and write the operating agreement so that other investors can buy $4 million in ownership  and the bank, or Knowledge Financial Group & Investment,  can provide $ 6 million in debt financing through a secured non-recourse mortgage. 

    The operating agreement requires that 5% of rents be paid to a business called Buyheremarket Enterprise, and Buyheremarket Property Management LLC, which is another new subsidiary the holding company formed.
    In effect, the family is using only 5% of its assets, or $ 2 million, to control a $ 10 million apartment building.

     They are receiving about 33.% ownership in the building, plus 5% of rents, giving them a form of “synthetic equity”.  But if they wrote it correctly, they would only have $2 million at risk.  They have achieved a very large  leverage with a relatively small amount of debt; it is the structure that did it for them.
    Then, they could start making investments in other companies, taking minority stakes in businesses, buying stocks, launching new companies, etc.  They could even create a mutual fund adviser and manage hundreds of millions of dollars on a tiny investment, earning fees on that giant pool of capital.

    Money managers often refer to this as putting assets in self-contained “silos” because if one is destroyed, it burns to the ground in the middle of a field without taking down anything else of value.
    For tax purposes, the parent company must own at least 80 percent of the voting stock in another company in order to be able to file a consolidated tax return. The tax advantage here is that losses from one subsidiary can be used to offset profits from another subsidiary and reduce the overall taxable corporate income on the consolidated tax return.
    A significant disadvantage occurs when a company holds less than 80 percent of the subsidiary's voting stock; in that case separate tax returns must be filed for the parent and the subsidiary, and intercorporate dividends are subject to an additional tax.


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