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Important Moves to Grow Wealth This Year...
Earn Passive Income by Investing in Real Estate - Imagine getting a check in the mail every few months for just holding a little bit of money in an account. Sounds amazing, right?
Prepare for market volatility by diversifying in gold - Stock market volatility can be financially damaging, especially as you near retirement. You could move your investments into a savings account -
- Index funds can be a good choice... The index fund is basically a type of mutual fund that works closely with the market index (stock market index). The index fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds which mimics the structure as well as the performance of a financial market index.
- Building wealth perfectly, = fruital investment group = correctly, = knowledge financial group ---------------
- Financial Planning During Uncertain Times...Prepare not to let short term bumps not to distract you from your destination.Suggestion, if you have only 20,000 dollars to purchase an item, Invest that twenty thousands dollars in a good solid investment and with the benefits, interest of that investment you can purchase what ever you you want.-----------Wealth formula: 75 / 15- 10. Mining that for every dollar you earn 75 cents is the maximum you can spend,15cents is the minimum you can invest, and 10 cents is the minimum you can save.---------------Three main reasons to save money: 1. For emergency - 2. For big purchases - 3. For investments.--------------To be rich, wealthy, it's necessary to have multiple sources of income.Yes you can have just a job, but in your hard earned income make sure you invest some of it in order to receive capital gains, or and dividend payments.Yes you can have just a job but you own few rental properties for monthly cash-flow.-------------Wealth formula: 50 / 30 - 20.50% goes for needs, the living expensive.30% wants - shopping - none-essential items.20% Saving paying debtsWhat left for investment? You find out yourself.----------------Use debts at your advantage to build wealth and multiply riches - Real estate debt is probably the best kind of debt. Eny time you send a mortgage payment , you're building equity for yourself. At the end you will own the property free and clear.-----------------Places money should go, or accounts people should have to have their money going to...A. To a retirement account getting ready for the old age.B. To a checking account to pay the bills for living expensive.C. To a saving account as emergency fund,D. To an investment account to be able to buy and sell equities.------------------Building wealth, getting riche seems like a distant dream for too many people.------------Stop chasing money, start solving other people most pressing problems then money will follow!Find some problems and bring solutions to those problems and make money out of it.-----------Knowledge Financial Group thinks that every portfolio should the right amount of diversification in it.Gold and real estate are important in a portfolio-----------------
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------------ Advantage: Low Risk and Steady Growth. A central advantage to index funds is that they are relatively low-risk options for investing in stocks and bonds, designed for steady, long-term growth.
- Advantage: Low Fees. Index funds offer lower fees for investors than non-index funds. ...
- There are also several advantages to index funds. The main advantage is, since they merely track stock indexes, they are passively managed.
- The fees on these index funds are low because there is no active management.
- Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are often index funds, and they generally offer the lowest fees of all.
- That can save investors money over the course of their lives
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- A holding company is a company or firm that owns other companies' outstanding stock. The term usually refers to a company that does not produce goods or services itself; rather, its purpose is to own shares of other companies to form a corporate group . Holding companies allow the reduction of risk for the owners and can allow the ownership and control of a number of different companies.A holding company is a special type of business that doesn’t do anything itself. Instead, it owns investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, gold, silver, real estate, art, patents, copyrights, licenses, private businesses, or virtually anything of value. The term holding company comes from the fact that the business has one job: to “hold” their investments.Visionone Holding Company, Inc: What makes us a holding company is that we have no day-to-day role in any of the investments!Each one of our companies is run by its own management team.Holding Company; One benefit of forming a holding company is that the holding companyitself is protected from the losses. If one of their companies goes bankrupt, the holding company ...Many modern day corporations such as... few big name companies are really holding companies because they own a bevy of smaller businesses; owning control of the stock of other private companies including : banks, insurance businesses, asset management companies, securities underwriters, and more.
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Multifamily real estate outperformed the stock market 3:1 over the past 15 years. Generate passive income with multifamily real estate investing today.
visiononerealestates Real Estate Renting vs owning: The best choice for a home might surprise you... The demand for a home in South Florida is making it increasingly difficult to find even a rental to stay in, causing rents to also spike.It may be at least another year or two before the housing market cools off enough, if at all, meaning that potential homebuyers could be waiting awhile. “It’s better to try and buy a single-family home if you can, because people are taking whatever they can get. For rent or buying, there just isn’t enough inventory in either category,”Waiting out the current housing market also runs the risk that interest rates will rise. BENEFITS OF OWNING A RENTAL PROPERTY
- High ROI. The truth is when you borrow money for property investment, you’re …
High ROI -- The truth is when you borrow money for property investment, you’re in reality, putting a small portion of your money to invest in that property. You’ll get a better return on your investment in the long haul.
- Keep Inflation at Bay. The real estate market provides you with the best …
- Retire on Rental Income. No one says it’s all rosy owning a rental property,
Retire on Rental Income
No one says it’s all rosy owning a rental property, but the potential to retire on rental income gives a good feel about the market; it is also a good source for passive income. You can own a rental property business for years, generate a high net worth and utilize the cash flow in supporting a retirement fund.
High Leverage - One of the benefits of owning a rental property is that it gives you high leverage. It remains one of the top investments that allow you to get a loan quite easily. Real estate investors make money through rental income, appreciation, and profits generated by business activities that depend on the property.
The benefits of investing in real estate include passive income, stable cash flow, tax advantages, diversification, and leverage--------------------Inflation Hedge...The inflation hedging capability of real estate stems from the positive relationship between GDP growth and the demand for real estate. As economies expand, the demand for real estate drives rents higher.. High Appreciation -
Tax benefits of owning rental property are enormous
Generating income and increasing owner equity over the long term aren’t the only ways investors hope to profit by owning a rental. Investing in rental property also provides numerous tax benefits compared to many other income producing assets
- Unprecedented times can mean often unprecedented opportunities!
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we're here to empower people to help them reach their full potential and achieve their financial goals..
We're teaching personal finance - retirement planning - investing - real estate - insurance - tax strategies etc.-------------- =============Order type
When buying and selling ETFs, you can typically choose from 4 order types—just like you would when trading individual stocks:
- Market order. This is the most basic order type. A market order will typically be completed almost immediately at a price that's close to the current market price.
- Limit order. This is generally used when you want to maximize your profits. When buying ETF shares, you'd typically set your limit below the current market price (think "buy low"). When selling ETF shares, you'd typically set your limit above the current market price (think "sell high").
- Stop order. This is generally used when you want to minimize your losses but aren't able to stay on top of minute-to-minute changes in an ETF's market price.
- When buying ETF shares, you'd typically set your stop price above the current market price (think "don't buy too high"). When selling ETF shares, you'd typically set your limit below the current market price (think "don't sell too low").
- Stop-limit order. This is even more specific than a stop order. The stop price triggers the order; then the limit price lets you dictate exactly how high is too high (when buying shares) or how low is too low (when selling shares).
- ---------------
Points to know: There are 4 ways you can place orders on most stocks and ETFs (exchange-traded funds), depending on how much market risk you're willing to take.
- Invest carefully during volatile markets. Traders may not be able to quickly match buyers and sellers to execute your order.
- The use of options, an advanced strategy that entails a high degree of risk, is available to experienced investors.
- ------------ Limit order: Setting parameters
A limit order ensures that you get a price for a stock or an ETF in the range you set—the maximum you're willing to pay or the minimum you're willing to accept.
----------- Market order: A basic request = When you think of buying or selling stocks or ETFs, a market order is probably the first thing that comes to mind. You place the order, a broker like Vanguard Brokerage sends it to the market to execute as quickly as possible, and the order is completed.- ------------ Stop order: Setting trigger prices
A stop order combines multiple steps. You set your stop price—the trigger price that activates the order. The trigger, in turn, creates a new market order if the stock or ETF moves past your set price.
--------------- Stop-limit order: Getting a priceA stop-limit order triggers a limit order once the stock trades at or through your specified price (stop price). Your stop price triggers the order; the limit price sets your sales floor or purchase ceiling.
--------------- A Guide to Real Estate Investment Funds- Real estate is an important “alternative” asset class that offers attractive returns and diversification benefits for all types of investors. While owning real estate directly, including finding, acquiring, managing and maintaining individual properties, is not right for everyone, there are a number of ways to invest in real estate. We explain the different approaches.
- ---------- What Is A Real Estate Investment Fund?
Real Estate Investment Fund Defined: In a real estate investment fund, the sponsor (manager) combines capital from many investors and chooses properties in which to invest. When a real estate fund is involved in improving or renovating properties, the sponsor also manages those activities. Real estate investment funds generate passive income and appeal to investors who want to include real estate in their portfolios but do not want the responsibilities of direct ownership
- ===================
Real Estate Funds
Real estate portfolios invest primarily in real estate investment trusts (REITs) of various types. A REIT is a company that owns, develops and manages real estate properties that produce income.
There are several different types of REITs, including apartment, factory outlet, health care, hotel, industrial, mortgage, office and shopping center REITs.
By law, REITs have to disburse at least 90 percent of their taxable income every year to shareholders by paying them dividends.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regulates REITs in the U.S. In addition to individual REITs, investors can purchase shares of exchange-traded funds or mutual funds that hold one or more REITs in their portfolios.
- ------------ A real estate exchange-traded fund
A real estate exchange-traded fund holds shares of real estate companies and may also hold REITs. These ETFs offer the opportunity to gain exposure to real estate with a fairly small investment. Real estate ETFs may focus on a specific segment of commercial real estate, or a broad range of property types, and typically offer greater diversification than what is available from holding a single REIT. ETFs hold a group of investments designed to track a chosen index.-----------
Real estate mutual funds
Real estate mutual funds, like real estate ETFs, own shares of entities that develop and own real estate, as well as shares of REITs. These funds provide investors with exposure to real estate – either focused on a segment of commercial real estate, or a wide range – at a fairly small level of investment. As with other mutual funds, most real estate mutual funds are actively managed; in other words, the fund managers select the fund’s holdings based on their analyses and expectations for the returns their holdings will generate.
- -------------- What Are The Best Types of Real Estate Funds To Invest In?
For accredited investors, private equity real estate funds provide a number of important benefits that are not available from other types of real estate investment vehicles, including preferred returns and tax advantages.
For individuals who are seeking exposure to real estate and have at least $50,000+ to invest, this is quite often the preferred approach to investing in real estate.
Private equity real estate funds often specialize in particular types of real estate projects, so investors can compare various funds to find one that meets their goals and preferences.
For investors with less capital to invest that do not meet the accreditation standards, there are approximately 225 REITs traded on stock exchanges in North America, hundreds of real estate mutual funds and over 30 real estate ETFs.
Some hold U.S. properties only, and others are international. Some specialize in a particular category of real estate while others invest in a broad range of property types.
--------------TIAA-CREF Real Estate Securities Fun
Baron Real Estate Fund=
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TRREX | MUTUAL FUND- -=------------
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Best Real Estate Mutual Funds
Best Real Estate Mutual Funds are also the most affordable and straightforward option for investors looking to place their money into the real estate market. There is good inflation protection provided by this set of funds.- The Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund (FRIFX)
The Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund (FRIFX)
Capital growth is a secondary goal for the Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund (FRIFX), but the fund’s primary objective is to generate above-average income from real estate investments. The majority of the fund’s holdings are made up of real estate investment trust preference and common stocks, debt instruments issued by real estate entities,
-------------- Fidelity Real Estate InvestmentsInvestments in the Manning & Napier Real Estate Series MNREX Class S
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund FIREX invests the majority of its assets in common stocks of foreign companies. The fund normally invests in securities of companies engaged in the real estate industry
---------------- Morgan Stanley Inst US Real Estate =
------------ Real Estate Investing Done Right For Me & It Can Do The Same For You!
- ------------- An investor should carefully consider a Fund’s investment objective, risks, charges, and expenses before investing. A Fund’s prospectus and summary prospectus contain this and other information about the Direxion Shares. To obtain a Fund’s prospectus and summary prospectus contact the company directly...
- All investments are subject to market risk, including possible loss of principal. Changes in the tax laws, overbuilding, environmental issues, the quality of property management in the case of real estate investment trusts (REITs), and other factors could hurt a fund that invests in the real estate industry.
- ======== U.S. Real Estate Mutual Funds
J.P.Morgan Realty Income Fund (URTLX, JRIRX, URTAX, URTBX, URTCX)
J.P. Morgan Security Capital U.S. Core Real Estate Securities Fund (CEEAX, CEERX, CEEFX, CEESX, CEECX)
J.P. Morgan U.S. Real Estate Fund (SUSIX) - ------------ Baron Funds
- Baron Real Estate Fund (BREIX, BREFX)
- -------- BlackRock
- BlackRock Real Estate Securities (BIREX, BAREX, BCREX)
- ------- -Morgan Stanley Funds
- Morgan Stanley Institutional U.S. Real Estate Portfolio (MSUSX, MUSDX, MSULX, MURSX)
- ------ Columbia Real Estate Securities
- --------- PIMCO Funds
- PIMCO RealEstateRealReturn Strategy Fund (PRRSX, PETPX, PETAX, PETDX, PETCX, PETBX)
- -------- PIMCO Funds
- PIMCO RealEstateRealReturn Strategy Fund (PRRSX, PETPX, PETAX, PETDX, PETCX, PETBX)
- ---------- Prudential Mutual Funds
- Prudential Select Real Estate Fund (SREAX)
Prudential U.S. Real Estate Fund (PJEAX, PJEZX, PJECX, PJEBX) - ------- Fidelity Funds
- Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund (FHEIX, FHEAX, FHETX, FHECX, FHEBX)
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund (FRIRX, FRIQX, FRINX, FRIOX)
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund (FRIFX)
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio (FRESX)
Fidelity Spartan Real Estate Index Fund (FSRNX, FRXIX, FSRVX)
Fidelity Series Real Estate Equity Fund (FREDX, FREFX)
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund (FSREX, FSRWX) - ----------- Lessons To Be Learned When Investing in the stock market by Anthony of: KNOWLEDGE FINANCIAL GROUP =
BLOGSPOT.COM Mr, or Ms investors: Here are some excellent example by the team of Femkonsa Capital Investment =
- Vanguard
- Vanguard REIT Index Fund (VGSNX, VGRSX, VGSLX, VGSIX)
- -------
- Goldman Sachs Real Estate Funds
Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund (GREIX, GRETX, GREAX, GRESX, GRERX, GREBX, GRECX - ----------==========
Common Mistakes Young Investors Make...-------------Speculating Instead of Investing:
A young investor is at an advantage in his or her investing life. Holding the level of wealth
constant, an investor's age affects how much risk an he or she can take on.
So, a young investor can seek out bigger returns by taking bigger risks. This is because if a young investor loses money, he or she has time to recover the losses through income
generation.---------------Not Asking Enough Questions
If a stock drops a lot, a young investor might expect it to bounce right back, but more often than not, it is down for good reason. One of the most important factors in forming
investment decisions is asking why.
If an asset is trading at half of an investor's perceived value, there is a reason and it is theinvestor's responsibility to find it.---------------Not Investing --FACEBOOK.COM/KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP
As mentioned earlier, an investor has the best ability to seek a higher return and take on higher risk when they have a long-term time horizon.
Investors have their longest time horizons, and therefore a high tolerance for risk.---------------KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.COM
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KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.BLOGSPOT.COM==========Knowledge Financial Group is committed to financial education, and we provide helpful tools and resources that will benefit you, your friends and your family.Everyone would love to run their finances in a smarter and more effective way, but not everybody has the proper resources to do so. That’s why Knowledge Financial Group-----------
Procrastination is never good, but it can be especially detrimental while investing because the markets move so quickly.
Good investment ideas are not always easy to find. If, after doing research, a good investment idea arises, it is important to act on it before the rest of the market takes note
and beats you to it.Income Inequality in the United States: The Wealth Gap
1. The top 1% of earners make over 20 times as much as the bottom 90%.
The gap between the rich and everyone else seems to be worsening. On average, the 1% earn over 20 times more per year than the bottom 90% of Americans. The disparity grows the higher up the ladder we climb. Even the mid-level one-percenters can’t approach the staggering amounts earned by the ultra-rich.
2. The top 1% own more wealth than the bottom 90% combined.
747 billionaires own two-thirds more than the bottom 50% of US households.
- The bottom 50% own only $3 trillion in wealth, while the US billionaires own over $5 billion. Prior to the pandemic, they only owned as much as the bottom 50%, just shy of $3 trillion.
Five richest billionaires own 17% of total billionaire wealth.
Billionaires pay an effective federal income tax rate of 8.2% for the increased value of their stock.
- Since most of their income comes from the increased value of their investments, billionaires don’t have to pay taxes on the increased wealth unless they sell their stocks, which is then taxed at a rate of 20% (plus NIIT of 3.8%). This is far lower than the 40.8% they’d have to pay if they received the equivalent salary.
The 1% have siphoned away $50 trillion from the bottom 90% since 1975.
The top 20% own 63% of the wealth in America.
89.7% of shares in America are owned by the wealthiest 10%.
19.5% of African American families stateside lived below the poverty line in 2020.
The poverty rate amongst those aged over 25 years without a high school was 24.7% in 2020.
- The minimum wage is still far below a living wage, and an important step towards ending wealth inequality in America is to start addressing the low wages earned by school leavers. Student loan debt statistics show that both college students and graduates are desperate for work to pay off their debt.
- --------------
Social Problems - Those earning lower incomes might feel that they have to resort to crime to support themselves. They might also be more likely to start protest action, such as strikes which have a negative effect on the economy.
- ----------
More Health Issues - Those in the lower-income groups may not have the money for health insurance. Even if they do have health insurance, they might not want to lose a day’s wages to go off sick. Those without health insurance might miss out on critical care because they can’t afford healthcare. Being unable to work increases the wealth gap even more.
- ------------
A Reduction in Economic Activity - If 60% of your population is living below the breadline, the economy suffers. Your propensity to spend directly correlates with the amount of disposable income you have. Low-income families don’t have the disposable income to waste money. They’re less likely to buy more than the basics. They’re also not able to afford the education that might help them secure better-paid work.
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Why you need a wealth plan, not an investment plan.Your goal should be to make regular deposits every week into your financial intelligence account, just like you make monthly deposits into your investment accounts.When you do this, your financial intelligence will multiply and grow ahead of the growth in your investment accounts to help create a lifetime of financial security.
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Freedom and Independence Requires Financial IntelligenceNeeding others to make financial decisions for you is dependence.Regardless of the amount of money you have, you'll never be financially independent or secure as long as you depend on someone else to manage your money.You can't experience true freedom if you're dependent on someone else’s experience and knowledge for your financial well-being.
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Given the risks, what do smart rich people actually do? The key is to lower your costs, be consistent in your investment process, and of course to save enough to build a nest egg in the first place.
Avoid emotional risk, the chance that you’ll end up selling when stocks fall. People are very emotional about their money.”But there is an answer, which is educating yourself on how risk-adjusted investing works in the real world.
Most stock investors fail to realize the stock market is not a compounding investment! When you loose 50 - ------------
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Finances are the number one source of daily stress for U.S. adults, and more than half of American households do not have a long-term
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Find out how the typical American handles money: Nearly 3 out of every five U.S. workers live paycheck to paycheck.
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Almost 75% are in some form of debt, and most assume they always will be
If you’ve spent any time reading up on education or financial news lately, you’ve probably come across the term financial literacy.The goal behind teaching financial literacy is to help people develop a stronger understanding of basic financial concepts.VISIONAIRE BUSINESS CENTER - FACEBOOK.COM/VISIONAIREBIZ /--/ VISIONAIREBIZ.BLOGSPOT.COM---------------Managing your own money requires a fundamental understanding of personal credit and a willingness to embrace personal
You budget. You save. You protect your savings. When you spend, you spend wisely. When you make big purchases, you do so for things that are
You understand the difference between good debt and bad debt. Understand also the difference between ASSETS AND LIABILITIES And you constantly pay attention to your overall portfolio — earnings, savings.
APPLYING FOR MORTGAG HOME LOAN...''A pre-approval Mortgage - is a commitment in writing
from a lender that a borrower would qualify for a particular loan
amount based on income and credit informationWhat Documents Do I Need?
What documents are needed for mortgage pre-approval? This is
another common question among first-time home buyers.
The list of documents will vary, depending on which lender you
use. But most of them will ask for some or all of the following items:
use. But most of them will ask for some or all of the following items: mortgage docs..---------------FEMKONSA CAPITAL INVESTMENT - WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FEMKONSA
Index mutual funds track various indexes. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index is one of the
best-known indexes''''
Index funds benefits and advantages ...
1. Owning a very large share of the market instead of owning one company
2. Cheaper than actively managed mutual funds, less cost.
3. They can produce passive income via dividend payments
4. Diversification instead of one company you own many companies
5. Compound interest by reinvesting the dividend, money making money.
6. Less work, less time consuming in looking for looking for individual stocks.===========Index Funds: How to Invest and Best Funds to Choose Index funds are a low-fee, no-fuss way to invest. It might be
the smartest and easiest investment you ever make.
Index Funds:
They’re an easy, hands-off, diversified, low-cost way to invest in the stock market.
When investors buy an index fund, they get a well-rounded selection of many stocks in one package without having to
purchase each individually.-----------Trading costs. If the commission or transaction fee isn’t waived, consider how much a broker or fund company
charges to buy or sell the index fund.-------------============The financial industry is really complicated. There are investors, brokers, traders, lenders, borrowers, advisors,
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Different Ways You Can Invest in Equity FundsWhen you decide that investing in an equity fund is the route you want to take for your portfolio, you have several options that might make sense. You can:Invest by opening an account directly with a mutual fund family such as Vanguard or Fidelity, Ameritrade, JP Morgan etc.Invest by buying shares of an equity mutual fund through a brokerage accountInvest by buying shares of an equity mutual fund through your 401(k) or 403(b) plan at work (note that there are often different mutual fund share classes to reward investors who put more money to work with an asset management group)======WARNING!ALL INVESTMENTS HAVE RISKS, INCLUDING THE TOTAL DISPARITION OF THE PRINCIAL INVESTMENT..Investors should consider the features of the contract and the underlying portfolios’ investment objectives, policies, management, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. This and other important information is contained in the prospectus, which can be obtained on the prospectus page or from your financial professionals.- Plan your prosperity yourself or someone else will plan your misery for you. http://www.knowledgefinancialg ===JOB WAS NEVER MADE TO MAKE YOU WEALTHY... Comfort is the enemy of achievement.
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